Areas of Expertise

Design and Construction
Materials and Processes
Project Management

My real Passion lies within the effects that can be created using water either within the purist blade or the more complex Echo; both celebrate  the appearance and intrigue of water and the positive effect it can have on ones wellbeing

Art in the landscape

The impact that a beautiful sculpture can achieve within a garden or courtyard  space can be incredible;  evoking  thought , peace, happiness and pleasure, Then add to this the mesmerising effect of the involvement of water and the Sculpture comes alive and then something truly magical can happen. They can be on a grand scale or small either way the effect is truly engaging, indeed art in the landscape.

Having trained as a product and Industrial designer both at Ravensbourne college of art and the RCA I have gained a huge amount of knowledge within design and construction. My time spent working as a designer for The Architects CSJW on the new British Library was invaluable giving me a fantastic insight into using materials with both beauty and longevity. My subsequent design interest was focussed around the external environment using my prototyping skills then often batch production techniques along with model making, CAD, and good old sketching.



mobile 07966385876